Prestige X-D1K Zero Lux
Noudon saatavuutta ei voitu ladata
Prestige X-D1K Zero Lux
Ykssiipinen Muotoiltu ohut istuin, villatopattu, honeycomb paneelit, Lux nahkaa
Tätä satulaa on saatavana
Istuin koko: 16-18"
Leveydet: S-L
Väri: Musta tai Ruskea
Monica puh 040 561 8222
Toimitusaika: tiedustele
HUOM: Saat tarvittaessa tuotteet meiltä myös rahoituksella! Ota yhteyttä ja kysy lisää.
The X D1 K ZERO a model will occupy the top slot for the performance it provides. The saddle offers improved close contact thanks to greater proximity to the horse. At the same time there is greater comfort because the seat is even softer. The results have been achieved by fitting the tree, in the area corresponding to the position of the hip, with elastic membranes filled with a special shock-absorbing material. A second change concerns the panels. The customary stuffed panels have been replaced. The new panels, made of the same synthetic flocking material and of a new honeycomb material that is highly elastic, eliminates the need for felt and sponge material. The result obtained is an appreciable reduction in panel thickness. At the same time stability is ensured and the horse feels comfortable along its back. No change has been made to any of the other technical features